Beach Bums Coastal Store<br>

Beach Bums coastal store is the online store for American artist Randy Males, also known as the one eyed pirate painter.
For me art is more than just a picture. It's life on canvas. An expression of your spirit, mind  and soul
I Began my art career doing my pencil sketches of people, and then progressing to painting landscapes to capture the beauty of Gods creation in awe inspiring sunsets of the colorful southwest. I then progressed to painting while at school in Oklahoma. For years I have done private works, but a few months ago,  I decided to open my own art studio here online. I have works that hang in homes, bars on the coast and businesses around the country. I'm passionate about art, and hope you find my artwork enjoyable and uplifting.  I grew up around a lot of different Native American cultures and wonderful Native American arts and crafts including painting. My mother was Choctaw and she was the one who taught me her culture. One of the main things I learned was creating art from nature and items found or reclaimed like used wood, for instance. My wife and I love the beach, so I've taken quite a bit of inspiration from the majesty of nature in these ocean scenes. From my culture, I learned at an early age to do bead work, weave, and make pipes and flutes from bamboo. I learned to paint on wood or stone and even glass, and it actually expanded my ability to use other mediums for many effects. Many of our creations have deep spiritual meaning, or bring emotional comfort. After years of making and selling these items privately, I've had many people tell me "you really need to put these items online, and let others see what you do. Each one of a kind items comes from my personnel studio to you. Most of my work I sell direct, but this store helps others see how wonderful nature is and some of what I create. Recently I suddenly went blind in my left eye all in one day. It;s much harder now to paint, but I will continue on painting with one eye. I'm now called the One eyed pirate painter.  A portion of our sales will go to paying to pay for the surgeries to try and restore my eye site in my left eye. 
Thank you for your interest Randy The one eyed pirate painter.

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